11月26日(木)【会場】 ユーロライブ(会場図)
A プログラム 人とそのわざを伝える
- 11:30
- 最優秀作品賞(グランプリ)
Best Film Award (Grand Prix)
芭蕉布 ―平良敏子のわざ―(30分)
The Textile Art of TAIRA Toshiko(30min.)
- 製作:
- (株)シネマ沖縄
- クライアント:
- 文化庁
- Production:
- Cinema-Okinawa CO., Ltd.
- Client:
- the Agency for Cultural Affairs
The typhoon that begins this film symbolizes Okinawa’s climate and history as well as the struggles of Yoshiko Taira, who revived Bashōfu textiles. The film introduces Bashōfu’s history as a favored fabric since the time of the Ryukyu Kingdom. Also presented in detail are Yoshiko Taira’s speedy skills as she revives in our times the traditional process of itobashō cultivation and harvesting, tool-making, boiling, thread-making, dyeing, weaving, and washing.
- 12:01
- 優秀企画賞
Award for Design Excellence
樽丸 吉野杉の里 黒滝の知恵と技(31分)
Wisdom and Skills of Village Kurotaki of the Yoshino Cedar(31min.)
- 製作:
- (株)CNインターボイス
- クライアント:
- 黒滝村
- Production:
- Client:
- Kurotaki Village
A large amount of sake was carried from Nada down to Edo in barrels made of Yoshino cedar. Staves are bundled to make the Tarumaru. Building of Tarumaru consists of a detailed process of cutting, chopping, rough splitting, cobbing, paring, etc. The movie follows the reproduction of the process by the last memory keeper of Tarumaru, Shozo Kamei. The spirit of craftsmanship is deeply rooted in every tool to remind us of the predecessors’ skills and wisdom.
- 12:33
- 優秀企画賞
Award for Design Excellence
北へ注がれる視線 ~吉村昭と北海道~(15分)
His Gaze toward the North - Akira Yoshimura and Hokkaido(15min.)
- 製作:
- (株)毎日映画社
- クライアント:
- 荒川区
- Production:
- Mainichi Productions
- Client:
- Arakawa city
Akira Yoshimura has visited the cold land of Hokkaido over 150 times, and uses it as the backdrop for several of his novels. Through talks with his wife and former assistant director of Hokkaido Museum of Literature Kazuyoshi Hirahara, we learn more about Yoshimura as an author and his relationship with Hokkaido.
- 12:50~13:50
- 出演予定:
- 謝名元慶福氏(最優秀作品賞『芭蕉布 平良敏子のわざ』演出)
高濱雄介氏(優秀企画賞『樽丸 吉野杉の里 黒滝の知恵と技』製作)
岸本喜久男氏(優秀企画賞『北へ注がれる視線 ~吉村昭と北海道~』演出)
- モデレーター:
- 谷川建司氏(映像ジャーナリスト、早稲田大学政治経済学術院客員教授)
B プログラム 大地と宇宙との対話
- 14:10
- 優秀作品賞(準グランプリ)/ 優秀撮影賞
Excellent Film Award (Semi-Grand Prix) / Award for Filming Excellenct
支笏湖 カルデラの大地 水と命の輝き(16分)
Lake Shikotsu – Life in a Caldera Environment(16min.)
- 製作:
- (株)丹青社 / 北海道映像記録(株)
- クライアント:
- 環境省 北海道地方環境事務所
- Production:
- TANSEISHA Co., Ltd. / Hokkaido EIZO KIROKU co., ltd.
- Client:
- Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan Hokkaido Regional Environment Office
Lake Shikotsu in Hokkaido is a major caldera lake of Japan. It is the second deepest lake and has exceptional water clarity and quality. Indeed, it has had the best water quality in Japan for seven consecutive years. This film, a 4K video exhibit, uses the keywords — volcano, forest, and water— to conjure up Lake Shikotsu’s natural grandeur. The entire film was shot in 4K, including such time-lapse visuals as underwater shots, swirling clouds, and sparkling stars, to convey dynamically eternal nature created by volcanic activity over the past 40,000 years.
- 14:27
- 部門優秀賞【ソーシャル・コミュニケーション部門】
Outstanding Performance Award for Social Communications
- 製作:
- (有)ライブ
- クライアント:
- HAYABUSA2製作委員会
- Production:
- LIVE Company Ltd.
- Client:
- HAYABUSA2 Production Partnership
The “Hayabusa-2” mission was postponed so many times that it seemed impossible to accomplish. However, many people supported “Hayabusa-2,” and pushed the mission toward realization. Presenting ion engines that have greater propulsion, mini-landers Minerva 2 and Mascot, and impactors that make artificial craters, this film will delve into the details of the mission.
- 15:04
- 優秀企画賞
Award for Design Excellence
- 製作:
- (株)衆
- クライアント:
- 京都市
- Production:
- Client:
- Kyoto City
This movie aims to attract foreign students to the universities in Kyoto and interviews international students who are studying in Kyoto. Thorough research has paid off to create a good pleasant documentary. While the movie targets international youths, it was also well received by the residents of Kyoto.
- 15:12
- 部門優秀賞【ソーシャル・コミュニケーション部門】
Outstanding Performance Award for Social Communications
『Edge 詩人・榎本櫻湖の冬の旅』(45分)
Edge ― Winter Journey of a Young Poet ―(45min.)
- 製作:
- テレコムスタッフ(株)
- クライアント:
- Art Square
- Production:
- Telecom staff Co., Ltd.
- Client:
- Art Square
Sakurako Emoto is a young poet whose complex and uninhibited linguistic sensibility may repulse the reader. Her unusual style has been called a “verbal hell”. Why is that? Who is she? Despite her personal difficulties, she continues to write poetry. In our program we accompany her on her winter journey ─ a quest for different roots to nurture her life. What new poetry will emerge?
C プログラム コーポレート映像の可能性
- 16:10
- 優秀作品賞(準グランプリ)
Excellent Film Award (Semi-Grand Prix)
The Mission for Communication Service of NTT EAST and NTT WEST(25min.)
- 製作:
- NTTラーニングシステムズ(株)
- クライアント:
- 東日本電信電話(株) / 西日本電信電話(株)
- Production:
- NTT Learning Systems Corporation
- Client:
NTT East and NTT West provide nation-wide reliable communication services. This film presents the initiative to sustain communication services in all parts of Japan as well as the existing service of both NTT East and West, with the slogan “Connect, Protect, and Strengthen.”
- 16:33
- 部門優秀賞【コーポレート・コミュニケーション部門】
Outstanding Performance Award for Corporate Communications
パンポン(Pang Pong)-日立(4分)
Pang Pong(4min.)
- 製作:
- (株)Kプロビジョン
- クライアント:
- (株)日立製作所
- Production:
- Client:
- Hitachi, Ltd.
The sport pang-pong was born at the Yamate factory of Hitachi, Ltd. during the Taisho period. A hundred years later, today, new matches are being won and lost on the pang pong courts. The film aims to promote interest in this sport. For those who wish to play pang pong, a sequel on the game rules is available.
- 16:38
- 部門優秀賞【コーポレート・コミュニケーション部門】
Outstanding Performance Award for Corporate Communications
Am I Okay?(2min. 47sec.)
- 製作:
- (株)東北新社
- クライアント:
- サイボウズ(株)
- Production:
- Client:
- Cybozu, Inc.
A working mother receives an emergency call about her feverish son. She leaves her meeting early and picks up her child. On the way home, she broods ... Her son whispers, “Mom, are you okay?” Juggling work and childcare every day, are working mothers really okay? With gritty visuals and language, this film closes in on the “real feelings of working women.”
- 16:41
- 部門優秀賞【コーポレート・コミュニケーション部門】
Outstanding Performance Award for Corporate Communications
Yomiuri Shimbun mini movie “Continue to deliver”(13min.)
- 製作:
- (株)東北新社
- クライアント:
- 読売新聞
- Production:
- Client:
- The Yomiuri Shimbun Holdings
This is an up-close-and-personal documentary of an ordinary working day of six employees in diverse sections of the Yomiuri Shimbun. Also included is an on-the-ground report of an exchange between Japan and Thailand, which developed due to a small newspaper article. Each of the seven parts of the film illustrates the employee’s commitment to “Continue to deliver.”
- 16:55
- 部門優秀賞【コーポレート・コミュニケーション部門】
Outstanding Performance Award for Corporate Communications
コマツ スマートコンストラクション コンセプト映像(3分30秒)
KOMATSU “SMART CONSTRUCTION” Concept Movie (3min. 30sec.)
- 製作:
- (株)電通テック
- クライアント:
- (株)小松製作所
- Production:
- Client:
- Komatsu Ltd.
Together with customers, Komatsu provides solutions to construction site issues. By organically connecting all of Japan's construction sites through ICT, Komatsu will dramatically improve productivity. This film graphically illustrates the concept of Komatsu’s “SMARTCONSTRUCTION” as an ICT solution for the company’s construction sites.
- 16:59
- 部門優秀賞【コーポレート・コミュニケーション部門】
Outstanding Performance Award for Corporate Communications
アドバイザーの記録 あの時 私は… そして今 明治安田生命 震災復興VIDEO(25分)
"I Was There,..Now Here I Am" by Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company(25min.)
- 製作:
- (株)クレイ
- クライアント:
- 明治安田生命保険相互会社
- Production:
- c.Ray Corporation
- Client:
- Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company
Sales representatives at Meiji Yasuda Life are known as “My Life Plan Advisors.” After the East Japan Earthquake, the sales ladies, who were also victims, completed safety confirmation of approx. 610,000 policies in the Tohoku region within three and a half months. This movie is the testimonies of dedication to confirm the safety of customers, families and colleagues. Voices of employees have been recorded since 2013 and were made into the film in the spring of 2014.
- 17:25
- 審査員特別賞
Special Jury Award
(3min. 40sec.)
- 製作:
- (株)電通 / (株)ヴァンクラフト / 右脳事件(株)
- クライアント:
- (株)ユニフルーティージャパン
- Production:
- Dentsu Inc. / VANCRAFT Co.,Ltd. / UNOUJIKENN Co.,Ltd.
- Client:
- Unifrutti Japan Corporation
BANANART is the art of stippling the discoloration effect of banana peels. Approximately 100 elementary school children venture into the world’s first banana art animation with 1,500 bananas. The ties between the Philippines and Japan and producers and consumers are strengthened through this banana art. A fun documentary commercial that features food education in the classroom.
- 17:30
- 優秀企画賞
Award for Design Excellence
New Camry Dynamic but Gentle Atlantic Road(4分)
- 製作:
- (株)ピクス
- クライアント:
- (株)広汽トヨタ
- Production:
- P.I.C.S.Co.,Ltd.
- Client:
- GAC Toyota Motor Co., Ltd.
The image of the new Camry zooming was shot in the Norwegian coast synthesized with CG of sea spray, clouds and fog. In addition to a bird's-eye view and front and side angles, a driver’s perspective is added to capture a multi-faceted driving experience to enhance the sense of speed and scale. It is an immersive visual experience using a four-sided screen as the windshield is splashed with waves.
- 17:35
- 優秀企画賞
Award for Design Excellence
CHODAI 長大(16分)
- 製作:
- (株)スリーエー・コーポレーション
- クライアント:
- (株)長大
- Production:
- A.A.A. Co., Ltd.
- Client:
- Chodai Co., Ltd.
A female surveyor looks through a telescope in the forest. A young man videotapes the urban roads. Reducing of environmental impacts in infrastructure construction, building safe roads... construction consulting is their profession. Today, a veteran engineer designs a ramp bridge for a massive highway. Unexpected challenges emerge onsite. The sun is about to rise in the horizon beyond the challenges in the life story of the stage called Chodai Co., Ltd.
- 17:52
- 優秀企画賞
Award for Design Excellence
Wonder Stadium 2020+(5分11秒)
(5min. 11sec.)
- 製作:
- (株)モンタージュ
- クライアント:
- パナソニック(株)
- Production:
- MONTAGE inc.
- Client:
- Panasonic Corporation
The movie offers the experience of Panasonic’s vision of the future stadium where established technologies such as “multi-camera,” “multi-screen” and “comfortable seating” are put together while introducing each technology. To maximize the effect of the circular screen with a diameter of 13m, not only CG, but real video images are also included using a 360-degree camera.
- 17:58
- 経済産業大臣賞
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Minister's Award
Kawasaki Ninja H2ティザームービー(約23分)
Kawasaki Ninja H2 Teaser Movies(23min.)
- 製作:
- (株)キャップスアソシエーション/(株)ディーヴァ
- クライアント:
- 川崎重工業(株)
ニューモデル「Ninja H2」の発表に向け順次公開した23本のティザームービー。視聴者の興味を2ヶ月間保ちつつ発表時に最も購入意欲が高まるよう、エクスペリエンスデザインを行った。
- Production:
- CAPS Association, Inc. / DIVA Inc.
- Client:
- Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.
This is a group of teaser movies for the launching of the new Ninja H2. The information on the new model was divided into 23 topics covered in 23 one-minute movies. These were promoted on a special site and Youtube at short intervals, two months in advance of the launch. By applying user experience design, the maker strategically planned the sequence and content of the movie releases to hold viewers’ interest and heighten buyer motivation.
- [日時]
- 2015年11月25日(水)
13時30分開始 - [会場]
- 国立新美術館講堂
- [日時]
- 2015年11月26日(木)-27日(金)
11時30分開始 - [会場]
- ユーロライブ
- [日時]
- 2015年11月26日(木)
18時30分開始 - [会場]
- ユーロライブ
- 文部科学省
- 経済産業省
- 東京都
- 映像産業振興機構
- 日本映画テレビ技術協会
- 日本アド・コンテンツ制作社連盟
- 日本ポストプロダクション協会
- 日本映画撮影監督協会
- 日本映画テレビ照明協会
- 高度技術社会推進協会
- 毎日新聞社
- 日本経済新聞社
- 映像新聞社
- ユニ通信社
- (順不同)
- 助成:芸術文化振興基金
- 公益社団法人 映像文化製作者連盟
- TEL 03-3662-0236