11月28日(木)【会場】 ユーロライブ(会場図)
A プログラム 今を生きるために知っておく約2時間15分
- 10:15
- 部門優秀賞【ソーシャル・コミュニケーション部門】
Award of Excellence for Social Communications
The One I Hold Close(34min.)
- 製作:
- 東映(株)
- クライアント:
- 兵庫県/(公財)兵庫県人権啓発協会
- Production:
- Client:
Mei learns that a video posted online by her university friend Hiroya has gone viral. It was taken at a former discriminated Buraku community and edited excessively. Mei finds that the video showed her childhood benefactor Ayame’s home to be in the discriminated community. Mei tells Hiroya, and Hiroya deletes the video. But the video is spread by others and causes an uproar. Mei revisits a childhood incident and what she did to Ayame.
- 10:50
- 部門優秀賞【ソーシャル・コミュニケーション部門】
Award of Excellence for Social Communications
人権啓発動画「あなたは大丈夫?考えよう!いじめ ~ 一人で悩まず相談しよう ~」(28分42秒)
Jinkenkeihatsudouga Anatawadaijyoubu Kangaeyou Ijime(28min.42sec.)
- 製作:
- (株)毎日映画社
- クライアント:
- 法務省 人権擁護局/(公財)人権教育啓発推進センター
- Production:
- Mainichi Productions
- Client:
- Human Rights Bureau, Ministry of Justice / Center for Human Rights Education and Training
The number of school bullying cases in fiscal 2022 hit a record high. Recent bullying can take place online, including social media, which makes it hard for school teachers and parents to see. Made from the elementary school part and junior high school part, the video invites viewers to learn what to do to eradicate bullying on social media and the internet, how to seek help from adults and where to seek consultation.
- 11:20
- 優秀企画賞
Award for Design Excellence
倫理の空白III 研究活動のグレーゾーン 人文・社会科学編(35分)
Gaps in Ethics 3: Gray Zones in Research Activities, Humanities & Social Sciences Version(35min.)
- 製作:
- (株)桜映画社
- クライアント:
- 国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構 (JST)
- Production:
- Sakura Motion Picture, Co., Ltd.
- Client:
- Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
Questionable Research Practice (QRP) refers to dubious activities that could lead to research misconduct. While such actions can degrade research quality and credibility, they are often unintentional. Created as teaching material for researchers, this drama focuses on the dilemmas of students and faculty facing the problem of QRP at a fictional university lab, and tests the viewers’ ability to make ethical judgements.
- 11:56
- 優秀企画賞
Award for Design Excellence
With Our Words(31min.)
- 製作:
- 東映(株)
- Production:
Chika, an office worker, meets a South Korean man named Minjun. She is somehow bothered when Minjun tells her that Japanese women are kind. After that, Chika becomes aware of the various stereotypical assumptions lurking in daily conversations, such as someone asking her gay friend whether he has a girlfriend, and someone telling Minjun that South Koreans are romantic. One day, she learns the word “microaggression” and realizes that was the source of her discomfort.
B プログラム 心を動かす 素敵な仕事人約3時間
- 12:40
- 文部科学大臣賞
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Minister's Award
おもかげ復元師 続いていくいのちの側で(51分27秒)
Omokage A Reconstructive Mortician in Japan(51min.27sec.)
- 製作:
- 「おもかげ復元師」製作委員会
- Production:
- Omokage Fukugenshi Production Committee
Ruiko Sasahara restored the bodies of more than 300 victims in the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami, and recorded her thoughts in a picture diary. Having a Buddhist nun as a mother and growing up in a family whose ancestors were mountain ascetics, her perspective on the dead shakes the modern view on mortality that tends to see death simply as a misfortune. Amid the cycle of life and death nurtured by the Tohoku region’s nature and culture, she continues to send off the dead and support those left behind.
- 13:33
- 部門優秀賞【ソーシャル・コミュニケーション部門】
Award of Excellence for Social Communications
紬織 村上良子のわざ(32分)
Tsumugi Silk Weaving: The Art of Murakami Ryōko(32min.)
- 製作:
- (株)桜映画社
- クライアント:
- 文化庁
身近な草木、野山の景色、そして四季の移ろいから受け取る心情を、植物染料による美しい色糸で織り上げる村上良子氏。本作では新作「紬織着物 月あかり」の制作工程を追う。
- Production:
- Sakura Motion Picture Co., Ltd.
- Client:
- Agency for Cultural Affairs
Murakami Ryoko weaves together her emotions inspired by plants, mountain scenery and changing seasons using threads colored with plant-based dyes. In 2016, she was designated a Living National Treasure for tsumugi weave. The video closely documents the production process of her new work “Tsumugiori Kimono Tsukiakari,” which uses the autumn moon as a motif. She does all the work by hand, on her own, from design conception to yarn dyeing, weaving and basting.
- 14:06
- 部門優秀賞【ソーシャル・コミュニケーション部門】
Award of Excellence for Social Communications
江戸川区魔法の文学館(角野栄子児童文学館) 館内展示映像(31分5秒)
Edogawa city Kiki’s Museum of Literature ; Exhibit movie(31min.5sec.)
- 製作:
- (株)NHKエンタープライズ/(株)エネット
- クライアント:
- 江戸川区
- Production:
- NHK Enterprises,Inc. / ENNET,INC.
- Client:
- Edogawa city
The movie introduces Eiko Kadono’s career, her lifestyle including her trademark colorful fashion and cooking, the link between Kadono’s works and travel including her trip to Brazil in the 1950s, and her relationship with architect Kengo Kuma, who designed Kiki's Museum of Literature. It comprises documentary footage taken over a period of four years and newly shot images.
- 14:38
- 最優秀作品賞(グランプリ)
Best Film Award (Grand Prix)
名盤ドキュメント キャンディーズ『年下の男の子』 彼女たちのJポップ革命(59分)
Master piece document of CANDIES “TOSHISHITA NO OTOKONOKO”(59min.)
- 製作:
- テレコムスタッフ(株)/(株)NHKエンタープライズ/NHK
活動期間わずか5年。伝説のグループ キャンディーズの「年下の男の子」の録音原盤を徹底解剖。アイドルを超えた高い音楽性と、デビューから解散までの秘められた軌跡を追う。
- Production:
- Telecom Staff Inc. / NHK Enterprises,Inc. / NHK(Japan Broadcasting Corporation)
This documentary focuses on the attraction of the 1975 album “Toshishita no Otokonoko” by the legendary idol trio Candies, who were active only for five years. While listening to the multitrack tape, people involved in the album share behind-the-scenes stories of its making and rediscover the charm of the trio’s voice and their sophisticated musicality beyond that of an idol. It sheds light on the little-known history of the Candies who always remained true to themselves.
C プログラム コーポレート映像の今約2時間30分
- 15:50
- 経済産業大臣賞
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Minister’s Award
待ってろ、未来。 神山まるごと高専 入学式クロージング動画(4分45秒)
Closing Video of the First-Year Entrance Ceremony at Kamiyama Marugoto College of Design, Engineering and Entrepreneurship(4min.45sec.)
- 製作:
- (株)Happilm
- クライアント:
- 学校法人 神山学園
神山まるごと高専 第1期生44名、15歳。期待と不安、別れ、その覚悟。それぞれの想いを胸に、親元を離れ神山の地へ旅立つその日の学生たちに密着したドキュメンタリー。
- Production:
- Happilm inc.
- Client:
- KAMIYAMA educational institute
Kamiyama Marugoto College of Design, Engineering and Entrepreneurship was the first Kosen technical college to open in Japan in about 20 years. This documentary closes in on the expectations, anxieties, farewells and determinations of the school’s 44 inaugural students, aged 15, as they leave their families to live in a dormitory in Kamiyama. The students who have gathered from across Japan pledge what they want to achieve.
- 15:56
- 部門優秀賞【コーポレート・コミュニケーション部門】
Award of Excellence for Corporate Communications
「あなたの街の空へ、未来を。」 NTT東日本グループ『NTT e-Drone Technology Concept Movie』(8分46秒)
「Bringing the future, to the skies of your city」NTT EAST Group『NTT e-Drone Technology Concept Movie』(8min.46sec.)
- 製作:
- 東日本電信電話(株)/(株)NTT e-Drone Technology/(株)Xero
様々なフィールドでのソーシャルイノベーション。 その夢を可能にするのは、つなぐ力。 先進のドローン技術で社会に貢献するNTT e-Drone Technology社の夢と挑戦。
- Production:
Employees of NTT e-Drone Technology support the future of communities from the sky using drones. This documentary-style video captures them working with passion and sincerity in fields such as agriculture, facility inspection and disaster response. As employees of a social innovation company, they confront local challenges and aim to implement drones to create value for the communities.
- 16:06
- 部門優秀賞【コーポレート・コミュニケーション部門】
Award of Excellence for Corporate Communications
ダンビラムーチョがCMプランナーとつくった『Japan Mobility Show2023』上映CM(1分)
Japan Mobility Show2023「Danviramucho」(1min.)
- 製作:
- 太陽企画(株)
- クライアント:
- 吉本興業(株)/(一社)日本自動車工業会
- 代理店:
- (株)電通
- Production:
- Client:
- YOSHIMOTO KOGYO HOLDINGS CO., LTD. / Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc.
- Agency:
The video starts with abstract narration and images with refined ambience resembling a corporate brand movie. By piecing together the kind of images that everyone has seen before, it highlights brand movie cliches. Then a man suddenly makes a dig at the typical brand movie and goes on to introduce the specific technologies of a startup.
- 16:08
- 部門優秀賞【コーポレート・コミュニケーション部門】
Award of Excellence for Corporate Communications
Love goes on.(3min.49sec.)
- 製作:
- (株)KEY pro
- クライアント:
- (株)明治
- 代理店:
- (株)電通
- Production:
- KEY pro INC.
- Client:
- Meiji Co., Ltd.
- Agency:
This promotion movie for Meiji R-1 was released in the entrance exam season to give support to students and their parents. From teaching hiragana in the infant years to assisting university entrance exams, the movie depicts a child’s growth and parents’ support over a long time span. It shows how the love parents have for their child never changes, even though their form of support changes.
- 16:13
- 優秀企画賞
Award for Design Excellence
二人の椅子の物語 ブランドコンセプト「くらしDIY」ムービー(2分44秒)
Happiness you can DIY(2min.44sec.)
- 製作:
- (株)東北新社
- クライアント:
- (株)カインズ
- 代理店:
- POOL inc.
- Production:
- Client:
- Agency:
- POOL inc.
A present from their son and grandchild prompts an elderly couple to start going for walks instead of always staying at home. Their walks get grander and reach a scale they never imagined . DIY is not just about making things with tools. Cainz’s concept “Kurashi DIY” values the spirit of ingenuity in arranging life in one’s own way. This short movie shows how small ideas can enrich people’s lives.
- 16:17
- 部門優秀賞【コーポレート・コミュニケーション部門】
Award of Excellence for Corporate Communications
- 製作:
- TOPPAN(株)/ソニーPCL(株)/ワウ(株)
- クライアント:
- Production:
- TOPPAN Inc. / Sony PCL Inc. / WOW inc.
- Client:
Various charms of Japan were filmed to create this visual expression that is rich in color and themed on “Japanese people’s beautiful aesthetic sense.” Projected on a 12K LED wall measuring 2.7 meters high and 13.5 meters wide, and by applying printing technology, the ultra-high-resolution video offers a highly immersive and realistic content.
- 16:21
- 部門優秀賞【コーポレート・コミュニケーション部門】
Award of Excellence for Corporate Communications
水無瀬イノベーションセンター イントロダクションムービー Impossible Object(1分45秒)
Impossible Object(1min.45sec.)
- 製作:
- (株)DNPコミュニケーションデザイン
- クライアント:
- 積水化学工業(株)
- 代理店:
- 大日本印刷(株)
- Production:
- DNP Communication Design Co., Ltd.
- Client:
- Agency:
- Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
This work offers an uncanny viewing experience using “impossible objects.” It was made under the supervision of Professor Kokichi Sugihara, who uses the power of mathematics to create optical illusions and is one of Meiji University’s “Incredible Senseis.” The use of high-speed camera, metallic mirrors and other ingenious filming techniques have led to a smooth and clear depiction of the movement of objects that are impossible in reality.
- 16:24
- 優秀作品賞(準グランプリ)
Excellent Film Award (Semi-Grand Prix)
On the hills of Biei(54min.)
- 製作:
- (株)WOWOWプラス/(株)チョコレートボックス
- クライアント:
- 美瑛町短編映画制作実行委員会
- Production:
- Client:
- Biei Town Short Film Production Committee
This is a human drama that depicts the joy, struggle and growth of Kaoru(Rei Okamoto)and Riko (Noa Kawazoe) who came to Hokkaido’s Biei Town from Tokyo to become farmers, along with the changing seasons from summer to winter. The beautiful fields are both a tourism resource and precious land to grow crops. As farming trainees, Kaoru and Riko see firsthand the problems facing the relationship between tourism and agriculture.
- 17:30~18:20(50分)
トークセッション Ⅰ
- 【出演予定】
- ※ゲスト調整中(コーポレート・コミュニケーション部門受賞作品関係者)
- モデレーター:
- 長谷部守彦(博報堂 エグゼクティブクリエイティブディレクター)
- [日時]
- 2024年11月27日(水)
13時30分開始 - [会場]
- 国立新美術館講堂
- [日時]
- 2024年
11月29日(金)10時00分開始 - [会場]
- ユーロライブ
- [日時]
- 2024年11月28日(木)
19時00分開始 - [会場]
- ユーロライブ
- 文部科学省
- 経済産業省
- 東京都
- 映像産業振興機構
- 日本映画テレビ技術協会
- 日本アド・コンテンツ制作協会
- 日本ポストプロダクション協会
- 日本映画撮影監督協会
- 日本映画テレビ照明協会
- デジタルコンテンツ協会
- 毎日新聞社
- 日本経済新聞社
- 朝日新聞社
- 読売新聞東京本社
- 映像新聞社
- ユニ通信社
- (順不同)
- 助成:芸術文化振興基金
- 公益社団法人 映像文化製作者連盟
- TEL 03-3662-0236