(ロシア)12分 日本語字幕付き
製作:SP Mamlin Boris Lvovich
解説:GPM KITグループはロシア映画界を牽引する映像製作・配給会社。美しいCGとの融合によって自社を紹介。映像の案内役はCEOのラファエル・ミナスベキアン。確信と情熱に満ちた言葉でロシア・コンテンツの現在と未来を語る。
The GPM KIT group is a visual media production and distributing agency that leads the Russian film industry. This short with beautiful CG introduces the company guided by the General Manager of the Group, Rafael Minasbekyan. He also talks about the present and the future of Russian content.
(ドイツ)3分 日本語字幕付き
製作:HONEST Productions GmbH
解説:新世代のEV(電気自動車)Audi e-tron GTに搭載される“音”がいかにして着想、設計、創造されるかを3分間の映像に凝縮。アクセルやブレーキなどに用いられる音が、2人のサウンドデザイナーの手によって形づくられていく。
"Sound" is installed in the EV Audi e-Tron GT of the upcoming generation of an electric vehicle. Its exceptional idea, design and creation are presented in this three minutes short. Experience the sound two designers created and remixed by the EV's accelerator and brakes and the film's "visual" sound.
Dimitrios Karras氏(COO)インタビュー映像
(HONEST Productions GmbH)
企画:Kern Microtechnik GmbH
製作:Berggeist Film
解説:ドイツKern Microtechnik社が手掛けるのは超精密CNC(コンピュータ数値制御)切削加工機器。この作品は映像と音のみで構成されるが、性能について多くの言葉を重ねるよりも、あえて言葉を使わないことで、技術をより際立たせ、見る者の興味を引き付ける。
Kern Microtechnik GMBH in Germany produces CNC micro milling machines. Although this film consists of only image and sound, the audience is attracted by the potential quality of their engineering competence rather than thousand words of explanation in terms of specifications.
(イギリス)6分 日本語字幕付き
企画/製作:European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Once you open the door, you are invited to a journey in exotic countries such as Egypt, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. These are the images of investment operations of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). You could feel even heat of blazing sunshine, freezing air and even the workers’ breathing.
(マレーシア)13分 日本語字幕付き
企画/製作:ACE Pictures Entertainment
AGILAN THANI is one of the toughest fighters in the history of Malaysian mixed martial arts. He was ONE Welterweight World Title challenger and achieved excellence in fights. Inspired by a true story, ACE Group created this short, which looks back from boyhood suffered from bullying up to the present.
Peter Wong氏 (President)インタビュー映像
(ACE Pictures Entertainment)
1993年設立。2年に一度、ドイツの国際モーターショー (IAA) の時期に合わせて開催。主に自動車、モビリティ業界向けの企業映像祭。
(ドイツ)3分 日本語字幕付き
企画:Porsche AG
制作:Field Productions
What inspires Porsche’s designs? Chief designer Michael Mauer used to be a professional ski instructor. He gets together with former downhill skier and gold medalist Aksel Lund Svindal to shed light on the “perfect line.”
(ドイツ)2分 日本語字幕付き
企画:Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG
Sophia Flörsch is a young German Schaeffler-backed racer who had met with a horrific accident in the 2018 Formula 3 race. She miraculously survived, and now continues to compete while fighting prejudice against women.
(ドイツ)1分 日本語字幕付き
企画:Robert Bosch GmbH
制作:CZAR Film GmbH
解説:会社員の悲哀をきわどい言葉で歌い上げた“Like a Boss”のパロディ・ソング。メロディはそのままに、ボッシュがエコとSDGsを呼びかける明るく軽快な曲へ見事に昇華。オリジナルとは違ったテイストで見る者を笑いに誘う。
Bosch exquisitely transformed “Like a Boss” which would show the sorrow of an office worker with racy words into an optimistic song which offers ecology and SDGs. Despite totally different atmosphere from the original song, this video offers us to smile.
(フランス)3分 日本語字幕付き
企画:Michelin Corporate Communications & Contents
制作:Michelin Audiovisual Dpt
Michelin showcases their recipe for making an eco-friendly tire using recycled material. With a lively pace and catchy music, this complicated process is transformed into a comical and easy-to-digest recipe video.
Annalisa De Simone氏(Topic Leader Recherche & Innovation)
(Michelin Corporate Communications & Contents)
(台湾)1分30秒 日本語字幕付き
企画:Lifestyle Enterprise Inc.
制作:Wizard Films/ Yuan Ze University
解説:ライフスタイルは人それぞれ。自然との調和を愛する人もいれば、都会的な魅力を好む人 もいる。自分らしいスタイルであれば、人生は自由で豊かになる。そんなライフスタイル 社の想いが込められた作品。
Each person has a different lifestyle. Some people love to live in harmony with nature, while others prefer the charm of the city. Having a lifestyle that fits you can enrich your life. These are among the concepts that Lifestyle expresses in this dramatic piece.
(デンマーク)2分 日本語字幕付き
企画:AU Engineering
制作:M2 Film
Two children, who have run away from home, play in a lush forest. The narration is a conversation between them over a decade later, as they look back on their childhood memories and talk about making choices that allow them to be their true selves and live meaningful lives.
(デンマーク)2分 日本語字幕付き
企画:Randers Tegl
制作:M2 Film
Each Randers Tegl brick is unique, and no two bricks are alike. Created by skilled craftsmen, they give character to graceful brick buildings around the world.
(ドイツ)4分 日本語字幕付き
企画:Theben AG
制作:Cinecore Motion Pictures GmbH
This short movie traces the history of Theben, a century-old company. It dramatically depicts the adversities and struggles of the founder, Paul Schwenk, who served as a soldier in World War I before inventing the theben-timer and getting his business off the ground.
Rolf Heiler氏(Managing Director)インタビュー映像
(Cinecore Motion Pictures GmbH)
〒150-0044 東京都渋谷区円山町1-5 KINOHAUS 2F
前売券:2,500円 当日券:3,000円
Pコード 551-763
〒103-0016 東京都中央区日本橋小網町17-18
TEL 03-3662-0236 FAX 03-3662-0238