(スイス)2分 日本語字幕付き
企画:Swiss Life Group
製作:Seed Audio-Visual Communication AG
This short poetic video shows many anxious stares of all kinds of people from young to old, along with the simple dialog tribute to those who have excuses for everything. A smile will come to whoever with a determination.
企画:Ministerium für Wirtschaft/Arbeit und Wohnungsbau Baden-Württemberg
製作:AV MEDIEN Film und Fernsehen GmbH
This simple but clear video shows how the state is anonymously known by the world's top-ranking companies, the black forest, the excellent education, and the Genius Einstein regardless of its hard to spell and recognize the name, Baden-Wurttemberg, a state in Germany.
(ドイツ)3分 日本語字幕付き
企画:Red Bull Air Race GmbH
製作:Rückenwindfilm GmbH
Red Bull Air Race pilots talk in detail about what is going on in their mind and the bodies in the cockpits once a tremendous load of G-Force is on them but still, try to win the exciting race.
(ドイツ)2分 日本語字幕付き
製作:Goebel + Mattes
What is Machine Learning good for? Does it help us? What does it have to do with real life? This short video can answer simple questions we all have by showing us how ML will be integrated into our daily life scene by scene.
(オーストラリア)4分 日本語字幕付き
製作:In the Thicket/Lendlease
Workplace safety is important for everyone. And no one in the world cares about your safety more than your mum. In this video the actual mothers of the company's employees teach about workplace safely with passion and motherly love.
(ラトビア)9分 日本語字幕付き
企画:Riga Tourism Development Bureau
製作:DDB Latvia & Nonsense TV
解説: リガはバルト三国の1つであるラトビア共和国の首都。Facebookでの若者層へのPRを狙った街の紹介映像は、従来の観光案内とは一味違いユーモアたっぷり。市民の憩いの場を中心に8人のキャラクターが街とその暮らしの魅力を伝える。
Riga is the capital of Latvia, which is one of the Baltic countries. Unlike typical destination advertising, promotional videos for Facebook targeting the younger generations are more humorous. In this video, eight characters introduce locals’ favorite spots in Riga.
(ロシア)5分 日本語字幕付き
He says he always wanted to fly. He assembled and flew a hand glider and a microlight. Now he wants to fix an An-2 and operate it for a skydiving club. Russian aluminum giant Rusal has many ambitious, talented workers, and he is one of them.
(ロシア)9分 日本語字幕付き
企画:The Stork Day
製作:FreeMotion Group (LBL Production)
This moving video is featuring families from an organization of adoptive parents Stork Day in Novosibirsk in Russia. The parents who adopted children with disabilities talk about their experience of adoption and how they discover their true love in their children.
(スイス)4分 日本語字幕付き
企画:ETH Zurich
製作:Seed Audio-Visual Communication
Rap infused corky ETH Zurich’ PV is trying to appeal to the new generation of brainy teenagers from all over the world. Students are studying and partying hard at ETH Zurich with the top-notch modern facility inside the beautiful old campus.
(ベルギー)1分 日本語字幕付き
企画:John Cockerill
解説:2019年に社名を改めたベルギーの機械工学グループJohn Cockerill社。従来のイメージを脱し、より未来志向でチャレンジを続ける大胆さと人を想う企業としてのアイデンティティを、ブランド刷新によって表明するブランデッドムービー。
In 2019, the Belgian industrial group CMI has changed their name to John Cockerill. This video highlights their complete rebranding by expressing their audacity to challenges for the future and their corporate identity which embraces human, society, and the nature.
(スイス)6分 日本語字幕付き
企画:Swiss International Air Lines Ltd.
解説:時計メーカーのブライトリングは、航空会社スイス インターナショナル エアラインズとの限定コラボモデル「ナビタイマー アビエイター8 B01」を発売。本映像は両社のパートナーシップを象徴するシリーズの1作品で、飛行機の整備士が時計職人の工房を訪ねる様子を描いている。
Breitling developed a SWISS Limited Edition of their Navitimer Aviator 8 B01. This is the first episode of a series which shows and celebrates the partnership between the two companies. An aircraft mechanic from SWISS meets a watchmaker from Breitling.
(ドイツ)6分 日本語字幕付き
KAESER KOMPRESSOREN provides compressed air system solutions with high energy efficiency and reliability. The video takes the viewer on a journey through the world of compressed air and shows what the company as a global technology and innovation leader has to offer.
(イギリス)4分 日本語字幕付き
企画:Surviving Economic Abuse
製作:Media Zoo Ltd.
This story begins with a woman’s monologue, and she is trapped in a bowl. What she tells us is something which has changed her marriage. It gradually fills the bowl but there is no way out. The video reveals one of the dark sides of our society.
(イギリス) 1分30秒 日本語字幕付き
製作:Media Zoo Ltd.
The introductory film of the global chemical producer INEOS’s sailing team, INEOS Team UK. Ben Ainslie, the team’s skipper talks all the essential elements to designing a winning boat and a winning team in the 36th America’s Cup.
(ドイツ) 3分
企画:Dibbern GmbH
製作:27 Kilometer Entertainment GmbH
In the DIBBERN manufactory located in an outskirt town of Germany, craftsmen create fine bone china pieces. Every production step and sophisticated details visualized in the video reflect the company’s core philosophy: traditional craftsmanship meets contemporary design.
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