〒103-0016 東京都中央区日本橋小網町17-18
TEL 03-3662-0236 FAX 03-3662-0238
〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木3-8-15
(NORWAY/ノルウェー) 3分 日本語字幕付き
企画:Det norske
製作:Headspin AS
After a Norwegian researcher discovers petroleum, a small company grows into a large corporation through trials and tribulations. A part of 2012 annual report by Norway’s second largest oil company Det norske.
(AUSTRIA, GREAT BRITAIN/オーストリア, イギリス) 1分 日本語字幕付き
A woman buys cheap drugs online, putting her health in great danger that can be potentially fatal. A warning by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) that counterfeit drugs circulating around the world are funding organized crime.
(AUSTRIA/オーストリア) 3分
企画:efko Frischfrucht und Delikatessen Ges.m.b.H.
製作:Prime Concept GmbH
Austrian company efco is a producer of pickles. With a sense of humor, the film follows a cucumber from harvesting to shipping. Their message ・a quality product is the result of hard work by both the farmers and the food company.
p(GERMANY/ドイツ) 5分 日本語字幕付き
企画:DACHSER GmbH & Co. KG
製作:PI_spirit Production International GmbH
When a film director becomes furious after his log cabin set falls apart, his assistant director turns to a German logistics service provider DACHSER. With just a phone call, a real log cabin shows up on the set the next day.
(GREAT BRITAIN/イギリス) 3分 日本語字幕付き
企画:Glasgow Life
A film promoting Glasgow’s bid to host the 2018 Youth Olympic Games. It’s a passionate plea of people who make wishes and tie them onto “wish trees,” while featuring Scotland’s famous bagpipe and golf.
(USA, POLAND/アメリカ, ポーランド) 9分 日本語字幕付き
企画:Trend Micro
製作:Black Rabbit
代理店:HCK2 Partners
解説:IT 技術が進んだ近未来。もし、人々の個人情報を集中管理するシステムがサイバー攻撃を受けたら、どんな被害が起こり得るのか。ドラマを通して、トレンドマイクロがネットワーク・セキュリティの重要性を訴える。
What if in the near future with advanced IT technologies, a personal data managing system falls victim to a cyber attack? Trend Micro makes an appeal for the importance of network security through series of narrative films.
(GERMANY/ドイツ) 2分 日本語字幕付き
企画:Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
製作:Stereoscreen GmbH
代理店:Kemper Kommunikation GmbH
解説:2013年ル・マン24時間レースに参戦したポルシェ911 RSR は、GTE Proクラスにおいて悲願の優勝を果たした。その一瞬の走りに努力と希望を注いだ人々の眼差しを、心揺さぶるドキュメンタリータッチの映像で見せる。
With documentary-style footage, this film takes an emotional look back at the people whose hard work and hopes led Porsche 911 RSR to its GTE Pro class race victory at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 2013.
(SWEDEN/スウェーデン) 8分 日本語字幕付き
製作:STARK Corporate Communication AB
A bearing manufacturer SKF continues to provide solutions to their customers’ problems with knowledge and experience. The film showcases the company’s services, philosophies, and operations through the portrayals of their engineers.
(AUSTRALIA/オーストラリア) 2分
企画:South Australian Tourism Commission
製作:Moth Projects
代理店:kwp! Advertising
Barossa in Southern Australia is blessed with rich soil. Mother Nature nurtures the robust people of the land. This film features its fresh seasonal produce and world acclaimed wine with splendid cinematography.
製作:Seed Audio-Visual Communication
解説:オンラインショッピングの決済ができず、叫び声を上げる男性。それを聞きつけた謎の3人が、彼のもとへ急行する。財務管理をサポートするPostFinance のサービスが身近に感じられる、コミカルな作品。
Three strangers rush to a man’s rescue when he’s unable to complete his online shopping. A comical take on the service provided by PostFinance: a financial institution that supports customers’ financial management.
(SINGAPORE/シンガポール) 5分 日本語字幕付き
企画:Restaurant Andre
製作:Threesixzero Productions Pte Ltd
解説:シンガポールにあるフレンチレストラン「レストラン・アンドレ 」。シェフのアンドレは“食事を提供する場所”に強いこだわりを持ち、椅子の角度からレシートの印字まで完璧に計算しつくして客をもてなす。
At Restaurant Andre in Singapore, chef Andre is dedicated to creating “an environment to serve a meal” and entertains his patrons with attention to details such as perfectly calculated angle of chairs and the fonts used on receipts.
(SINGAPORE/シンガポール) 6分 日本語字幕付き
企画:Restaurant Andre
製作:Threesixzero Productions Pte Ltd
Chef Andre’s culinary works are born out of his innovative creativity. The film shows how he makes unconventional Camembert cheese, ultimate charbroiled dish, and kaya toast to cap off the day.
(SWITZERLAND/スイス) 8分 日本語字幕付き
製作:stories AG
A corporate film by Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund (SUVA). It follows three storylines that tell the importance of living courageously through adversities, even though things in real life don’t always work out the way they do in movies.
(BELGIUM/ベルギー) 1分
製作:Lapino Albino sprl
解説:木製の船やプロペラを手作りで製造するベルギーのメーカー「ポンスレ」。2013 年より、新たな歴史の一歩を踏み出す。本編に商品自体は出てこないが、職人の手で木材に命が吹き込まれていく工程を垣間見ることができる。
Poncelet, a Belgian manufacturer of handcrafted wooden boats and propellers, embarks on a new chapter in 2013. The film provides a glimpse into the process of their craftsmanship that breathe life into wood.
(HUNGARY/ハンガリー) 2分
企画:Hungarian State Opera
On a rainy night, a man follows a woman into a building. He gets lost in her mysterious world and finds himself at Hungarian State Opera House. There, the women wanders in space. The film ends with the theater filled with loud applause.
(BELGIUM/ベルギー) 3分
企画:City of Antwerp
製作:New Impact
A thriving Belgian city of Antwerp continues to grow with its international trades and diamond industry, thanks to the efforts of the citizens. This film uses a first-person narrative to promote Antwerp’s appeal such as fashion and arts.